"Here's How You Can Instantly Add The Full Profit Boosting Power Of Google Analytics To Your Website - Automatically And Without Having To Modify Any Of Your Web Pages"

This Easy To use Software Can Also Include Any Script Or Code Into Your Entire Website, Without Any Changes To Your Web Pages

Your Special Bonus
Web Hijack Protector

Did you know that other webmasters could be stealing
profits from your website, right now?

Stop Them Instantly And Automatically...

Dear Friend,
If you're looking to boost the profitability of your website, Google Analytics offers a very powerful solution that is completely free to use.
The system provides loads of detailed visitor information and integrates directly with both Google Adsense and Google Adwords.
And as many webmasters have already discovered, Google Analytics allows you to easily optimize your websites to substantially boost your online profits.
But there's one big drawback with Google Analytics...

You have to insert some special code into every web page to be tracked

This drawback is not unique to Google Analytics - it applies to every other visitor tracking system available on the Internet.

And it really is a major hassle.
Not only do you have to update all your pages - but you also run the risk that your HTML editor will "mess up" the special code if you ever need to edit your pages in the future.
This issue stops a lot of webmasters from using visitor tracking systems altogether.
But now there's an easy solution that completely eliminates all the hassle.
Our brand new Easy Code Pro will insert all the necessary code into your entire website automatically, without you having to modify any of your web pages at all.
And as you're about to discover, Easy Code Pro can do much more than insert code for Google Analytics - it can insert any type of code into all your pages automatically.

Google Analytics Made Quick And Easy
Creating a Google Analytics account is very easy.
Just visit the Google Analytics site and enter your name and email address to create your account, then enter the domain names of the websites you want to track.
Google Analytics site will automatically allocate a "UA number" for each domain name (we'll see how you use the "UA number" in a minute).
It's also very easy to view your stats with Google Analytics. You just visit your account and the stats are immediately shown next to each domain name.
The only complicated part of using Google Analytics is adding the necessary code to all your web pages - and that's what Easy Code Pro does for you.

Easy Code Pro
 is a simple script that you install on your website.

It comes with an easy to use Script Setup Tool, which creates the script automatically.

Here's a screenshot of the tool:

Just enter your "UA number" into the box on the tool.
There is also a "Web Hijack Protector" feature, which you can enable if you wish by checking the checkbox (see below for details of this feature).
Now you just click the Create button and the software will instantly generate a set of script files, which you upload to your web host.
That's all there is to it!
All the required code will be automatically inserted into every single HTML web page on your site - including any pages in subfolders.

Easily Add Any Other Code To Your Website
For more advanced users, Easy Code Pro also allows you to install code for any other script/system.
To do this, use the "Advanced Script Setup Tool" instead of the "Basic Script Setup Tool" shown above.
The Advanced tool has the same "UA number" box and Web Hijack Protector checkbox as the Basic tool - but it has several other boxes/buttons as well.
Here's a screenshot of the tool:

You can insert code into five locations in your pages. The location to use for particular code depends on the application.
The locations are:
  1. At the start of the file
  2. In the HTML header section (i.e. just before </HEAD> tag)
  3. At the top of the page (i.e. just after <BODY> tag)
  4. At the bottom of the page (i.e. just before </BODY> tag)
  5. At the end of the file
For most tracking solutions, the code goes at the bottom of the page (option 4).
For other applications, the code may need to be inserted in one of the other locations (all applications should tell you exactly where to insert their code).
These five options cover all the generally used locations, so you should be able to insert code for any script or system.
To insert some code, just copy it to the Windows Clipboard, select the location from the drop-down list and then click the Paste button. The code will be added to the box (after any code that you've already added for that location).
You can insert an unlimited amount of code into each location.
When you are finished, just click the Create button and the software will generate a set of script files, which you upload to your web host.
That's all there is to it!
All the code will be automatically inserted into every single HTML web page on your site - including any pages in subfolders.

Easily Change Your Code At Any Time
You can easily alter the code being inserted into your pages, or remove some of the code or add some new code.
Just use the Advanced Script Setup Tool software again.
The tool remembers all the code you entered last time, so you can easily alter the code or add more code. 
When you've made the required changes, click the Create button to re-generate the set of script files, then just upload the new files to your web host.
Your web pages will immediately switch to using your new code.

Handles JavaScript Code
Google Analytics along with many other systems uses "JavaScript" code.
Easy Code Pro can handle all JavaScript code.
Just paste your code into the Advanced Script Setup Tool and it will be handled automatically.

Handles PHP Code (No File Name Changes Needed)
Scripts that you install on your own website often use "PHP" code rather than JavaScript.
Inserting PHP code into HTML pages usually requires all the pages to be renamed to have a ".php" file extension (instead of the usual ".htm" or ".html" extension).
This requirement is very inconvenient as it affects all your web pages links.
With Easy Code Pro this renaming is not necessary. The software will insert any PHP code into your HTML pages, without requiring the page file names to be changed.
You simply paste all your code (PHP and/or JavaScript) into the Advanced Script Setup Tool - and all the code will be processed correctly.

This means that you can insert code for just about any solution or script, without needing to modify any of your web pages at all.

Can Insert Any Text And Tags
You can also use Easy Code Pro to insert ordinary text and/or HTML tags into all your pages, if you wish.
For example, if you wanted to insert an identical set of meta tags into all your pages, you can get Easy Code Pro to insert them into all your pages automatically.
You can also insert the code special single pixel images used by some tracking solutions - and any other text and/or HTML tags.

You don't need to do anything special for text/tags. Just paste your text/tags into the Advanced Script Setup Tool (along with any code you want inserted) - and the software will handle everything automatically.

Use On All Your Websites At No Extra Cost
You can use Easy Code Pro on an unlimited number of websites - all for one low cost. The only restriction is that all the sites must belong to you - and you cannot sell the script or include the script in anything else that you sell or give away.

Your Special Bonus...

Stop Other Sites Hijacking Your Web Pages

Did you know that other websites may be "hijacking" your web pages right now?
Even some of the search engines have now started to do this.
Hijacking is where your web page gets shown inside a "frame" or "iframe", so that extra content from the hijacker is shown above, below, or next to the contents of your page.
You have no control of the extra content added by a hijacker. This extra content can even contain ads for which the hijacker gets paid, allowing them to profit from your content.
It's particularly annoying when a search engine hijacks your pages, because the hijacked versions of your pages can show up in the search engine results, in preference to the normal versions of your pages. Visitors from the search engine will never see the original versions of your pages - they will only see the hijacked versions.
Now there is an easy way to stop hijackers with our "Web Hijack Protector" feature.
Just check the checkbox on the Script Setup Tool to automatically block hijacking on all your HTML web pages.

You can use the Web Hijack Protector feature on its own or in conjunction with Google Analytics and/or any other code.

Grab Your Copy Now

Easy Code Pro makes it quick and easy to insert Google Analytics code and any other code into your web pages.
It's easy to add code, easy to change it and easy to remove it.
I'm sure you'll agree that this useful software could save you a lot of time and effort.

With all these benefits made so easily available to you, you might expect to pay a substantial sum for software.
But if you order today, you'll pay just $10 for your copy.
And even though I'm offering this software at such a low price, I still want you to be 100% certain that it will really work for you.
That's why the software comes with my cast iron 30-day, no risk, 100% money-back guarantee...

Your 100%, No Risk, No Questions Asked,
Money-Back Guarantee

If you still have any lingering doubts about purchasing, let me reassure you now with the knowledge that your copy of this superb software is covered by my 100% cast iron, no questions asked, no risk guarantee.

If at any time during the next 30 days, you decide that this software does not meet your requirements, just shoot me a quick email and I guarantee to refund your money in full, no questions asked.

All this means you can take a full 30 days to check out all this great software for yourself, with no risk whatsoever.

In other words...you have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Please Order Now For Just $10

Get your package "WITHIN 24 HOURS" by making payment the above stated amount into any of the below;

    Account Number: 0167433889
" Amount($10/N5,000)", 

Account Email: opadistowealth@gmail.com



Account No: U7178048

NOTE: After payment, send depositor name, 
amount paid, product name,
account paid to, your phone no and 
your email address to
(+234)08034256896, 07035376988, and 09099529020 
Send the above format in an email to opatridsolutions@gmail.com 
and your e-PACKAGE will be 
 delivered in your email upon confirmation 
of payment. 

For more enquiries, 

feel free to reach me on (+234)08034256896, 07035376988, and 09099529020  or 
via email at opatridsolutions@gmail.com.

Make Sure You Take Action And Get Your Copy NOW!!

Important Requirements
1. Your web host must support .htaccess files. Most decent web hosts support these as standard, but if you are unsure, please ask your web hosting company before ordering.
2. The script will only insert code into HTML web pages (i.e. pages with file names ending in ".htm" or ".html"). Any other files on your site will not be affected.
3. The script creator software requires a PC running Microsoft Windows.
4. The bonus Web Hijack Protector feature uses JavaScript code, so any visitors who do not have JavaScript enabled will still see the hijacked version of your page. The vast majority of your visitors will however have JavaScript enabled as standard.

Earnings Disclaimer: Although the use of this software allows you to easily add Google Analytics code and other code to your websites, the resulting profits are dependent on many factors outside our control, including how you use the tracking data. We are not therefore able to give any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by using this software. We will however happily refund your money in full in the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your purchase.


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